[Avcheck] avcheck + virtual_mailbox_maps + virtual_maps

Jakub Urban urban@alberon.cz
Fri, 27 Sep 2002 09:04:59 +0200


i'm using postfix to handle virtual email users with virtual_mailbox_map 
(with Mysql) and virtual_maps for forwarding messages, i'm not sure that 
it's the right  solution, but it's work

virtual_maps = mysql:/etc/postfix/virtual.cf

now i start new local smtpd listener on port 10025
localhost:10025 inet n - n - - 
  -ovirtual_maps=            -- to DISABLE virtual_maps lookup, but 
doesn't work for me

problem is, when i send message directly to the 10025 port, postfix 
still DO virtual_maps lookups

is there any way to DISABLE virtual_maps in local listener on 10025?

i need it, because some recipients are checked by antivir and some not, 
for this i make patch for avcheck.c, problem is when recipients is 
expand with virtual_maps (this is done before avcheck is called), one 
(the expanded)is not checked -> i send this mail from avcheck to 
localhos:10025 without av check, and second (original recipients) is 
checked and sent to 10025 and virtual_maps is used again and therefore 
the first recipent recieved TWO mails, one checked and one not

jakub urban

PS:sorry for my english