[Avcheck] avcheck problem
Marek Bialoglowy
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 12:32:54 +0700
I've reported before some problem with:
avcheck: unexpected AVP return code 65 (0x0141) (kavdaemon av bases not
massage when key has expired.
root@mail:/var/spool/avp# /var/spool/avp/avcheck -f root -d
/var/spool/avp/tst -s avp:/var/spool/avp/ctl/AvpCtl root < eicar.msg
avcheck: unexpected AVP return code 65 (0x0141) (kavdaemon av bases not
I got new key already and everything works fine again. Actually it's working
since I've restarted kavdaemon with new key, so the cause of the problem is
something related to kavdaemon. I think avcheck should still work using AVP
demo version after key have expired, currently it's not possible to run it
this way.
Thank you for help.
Best Regards,
Marek Bialoglowy [mb@systemintegra.com] [Information Security Consultant]
GROUP: HERT (hert.org) -- PGP: http://www.systemintegra.com/pgp/ultor.asc
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