[Avcheck] Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender (fwd)
Michael Tokarev
Wed, 12 Feb 2003 21:11:40 +0300
Marcio Merlone wrote:
> Em Wed, 12 Feb 2003 18:31:41 +0100 (CET), Dani Pardo <dani@enplater.com>
> escreveu:
> Great!
> I removed from our blacklist, until it happens again... :(
> Spam is becoming the most ungrateful plague of the internet, you never
> win that battle. And those adsl lines are the most powerfull gun on
> spammers hands. Spam will make adsl unusable.
This is an off-topic, but anyway, it is somehow related - avcheck is
designed to help finding viruses in email. Take a look at dsbl.org or
monkeys.com insecure system (open proxy, relays, formmails etc) lists.
Just try and see how it will work. I'm putting great efforts keeping
list of abuseable systems up to date, thanks to many people worldwide.
Most significant problem with [a]dsl/broadband networks is a great number
of insecure open proxies which are abused by spammers, and very big
persentage of such a systems are blocklisted already, in list.dsbl.org
and proxies.relays.monkeys.com.
> Are you an avcheck developer also? Michael Tokarev told will not have
> time to make avcheck work with clam soon... :(
Umm... In fact, almost all my time now is spent working with (or rather
against) abuse of various insecure systems, to make blocking of whole
networks unnecessary, see above... ;)
Either way, adding support for another virusscanner _that runs in
daemon mode_ is very easy. I can't make promise, but I want to
look at clam this week or so - if someone will not do this before.
But there is a question: is clam able to decode MIME structure?
Avcheck itself is a very tiny glue, it does not look at nor
decode message structure - wich is done in avp and drweb (and
in some other virusscanners too). If clam has no support for
this task, I'm afraid you'll need amavis or something like that.