[rbldnsd] Excluding a CIDR range

Matthew Sullivan matthew at sorbs.net
Fri Dec 2 00:29:39 MSK 2005

Chris Gabe wrote:

> It seems that the ! directive works only on individual ip addresses, 
> not address ranges.
> I need to exclude a long list of CIDRs, effectively something like this
>    !1.2/16
>    !3.4.5/24
>    .... (many more entries)
> Short of expanding these all out, is there any way to effect this?
This one can be answered in the archives...

exclusions will always work if the CIDR mask is smaller than 24 (ie 25 
-> 32).  However because of the way rbldnsd stores each entry internally 
if you have the following:

Then the range *will* be excluded,. but *will 
not* be excluded, and *will* be excluded.  The boundaries for 
this behavior are /8, /16 and /24.



PS: I still think we should have some sort of 'super exclude' which 
always overrides so people can whitelist their own ranges there the MTA 
has no mechanism for this.

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