[rbldnsd] regular expression support for rbldnsd

Per Jessen per at computer.org
Wed Aug 12 20:21:11 MSD 2009

Steven Champeon wrote:

> We have a patch against rbldnsd 0.996b that provides support for
> regular expression-based fast lookups of HELO and PTR strings, in an
> rbldnsd zone, that return our classifications for hostnames for use in
> scoring or blocking bot-originated email.

Interesting idea.  We have a list of such patterns which is evaluated by
Postfix.  I can't immediately see if a DNS-based solution instead would
improve things.   

In our current setup, it would shift the CPU-load (for the matching)
from the individual mailserver to the rbldnsd server, which wouldn't be

> This has proven very useful in the context of dealing with botnets, as
> it's vanishingly rare to see hosts with generic names trying to send
> legitimate email. 

I guess that depends - I see a lot every day.  There are a lot of
less-than-competent mail-admins out there, and forgetting to ask your
provider for a reverse entry is quite common around here,

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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