typos and a question

Eric Sproul eric.sproul at
Sat Feb 28 01:05:45 MSK 2015

First the easy part-- I found some typos in ("LDLAGS"
instead of "LDFLAGS") so attached is a patch that fixes them.

Second, is there a reason (other than lack of time/interest) that
there is no install target?  It would make packaging much simpler.  I
have a hackish patch that I developed for my own needs but would be
willing to help make a more useful install target (or set of targets,
e.g. install-static, install-shared, whatever).

-------------- next part --------------
--- udns-0.4/	Thu Jan 23 10:45:31 2014
+++ udns-0.4/	Fri Feb 27 21:58:12 2015
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
 	done >> Makefile.tmp; \
 	for f in $(USRCS:.c=.o); do \
 	 echo "$${f%.?}: $$f \$$(LIB)"; \
-	 echo "	\$$(LD) \$$(LDLAGS) -o \$$@ $$f \$$(LIBFL) \$$(LIBS)"; \
+	 echo "	\$$(LD) \$$(LDFLAGS) -o \$$@ $$f \$$(LIBFL) \$$(LIBS)"; \
 	 echo "$${f%.?}_s: $$f \$$(SOLIB)"; \
 	 echo "	\$$(LD) \$$(LDFLAGS) -o \$$@ $$f \$$(SOLIBFL)"; \
 	done >> Makefile.tmp ; \
@@ -184,14 +184,14 @@
 rblcheck.o rblcheck.lo: rblcheck.c config.h udns.h getopt.c
 ex-rdns.o ex-rdns.lo: ex-rdns.c udns.h
 dnsget: dnsget.o $(LIB)
-	$(LD) $(LDLAGS) -o $@ dnsget.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ dnsget.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
 dnsget_s: dnsget.o $(SOLIB)
 	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ dnsget.o $(SOLIBFL)
 rblcheck: rblcheck.o $(LIB)
-	$(LD) $(LDLAGS) -o $@ rblcheck.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ rblcheck.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
 rblcheck_s: rblcheck.o $(SOLIB)
 	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ rblcheck.o $(SOLIBFL)
 ex-rdns: ex-rdns.o $(LIB)
-	$(LD) $(LDLAGS) -o $@ ex-rdns.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
+	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ ex-rdns.o $(LIBFL) $(LIBS)
 ex-rdns_s: ex-rdns.o $(SOLIB)
 	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ ex-rdns.o $(SOLIBFL)

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