[rbldnsd] Future Features

Amos Jeffries amos at treenetnz.com
Sat Jan 29 04:27:51 MSK 2005

I have just been re-reading the documentation to do some work on those 
setup docs.

One thing that has become very obvious is that in order to run rbldnsd 
on any sort of production server there have to be two DNS engines 
running. rbldnsd for the list and a recursive-capable cache that 
receives the actualy query.

I don't see why this should have to be a requirement. I would like 
rbldnsd to run as a serve just to allow fast access by mailers on the 
local network. BUT, without having to run another DNS engine.

Does anyone know of a way to setup the standard linux resolver library 
so it queries different server depending on domain?

OR can I request a feature in rbldnsd that allows queries no in the RBL 
to be passed out to another server for handling? Like a fixed global 
forwarder should be okay without adding any real complexity.


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