[rbldnsd] OT - some signatures are removed by mail list

William Leibzon william at completewhois.com
Sun Jan 30 02:43:03 MSK 2005

I'm curious - why is it that OpenPGP (MIME/PGP) signature from
Robin Lynn Frank's post came through this mail list while my own
S/MIME signature did not survive?

I'v seen before lists that let all email signatures and almost all
other attachments through. I've seen mail lists that will strip off
all attachments including signatures. I've never ever seen a list
that was so selective about which type of signature would go through
mail list....

William Leibzon
   mailto: william at completewhois.com
Anti-Spam and Email Security Research Worksite:
Whois & DNS Network Investigation Tools:
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A non-text attachment was scrubbed...
Name: smime.p7s
Type: application/x-pkcs7-signature
Size: 1118 bytes
Desc: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature
Url : http://www.corpit.ru/pipermail/rbldnsd/attachments/20050129/7d5c1309/smime-0001.bin

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